Module nemo.sim

The core of the simulation engine.


def run(context, starthour=None, endhour=None)
Expand source code
def run(context, starthour=None, endhour=None):
    """Run the simulation."""
    if not isinstance(context.regions, list):
        raise TypeError

    if starthour is None:
        starthour = context.demand.index.min()
    if endhour is None:
        endhour = context.demand.index.max()
    date_range = pd.date_range(starthour, endhour, freq='h')

    _sim(context, date_range)

    # Calculate unserved energy.
    agg_demand = context.demand.sum(axis=1)
    agg_generation = context.generation.sum(axis=1)
    unserved = agg_demand - agg_generation
    # Ignore unserved events very close to 0 (rounding errors)
    context.unserved = unserved[~np.isclose(unserved, 0)]

Run the simulation.